In Chinese Zodiac iconography, the water rabbit is the moon’s loyal companion. This year, the year of the Water Rabbit begins on January 21, 2023. To mark the occasion, Arnold & Son is releasing the Perpetual Moon “Year of the Rabbit,” a new series limited to eight timepieces of its high-precision moon-phase model. The timepiece features a sculpted golden rabbit set against a backdrop of black aventurine, posing next to a pagoda surrounded by waterfalls.
Naturally, the rabbit is the dial’s key element. Sculpted in three dimensions, it’s crafted from 18-karat rose gold. Its expression, its pose, and the details of its fur are hand-engraved and burnished to add depth and nuance. This painstaking work is worthy of the exceptional attention Arnold & Son has always paid to its limited series created in tribute to the Chinese Zodiac.
Like all the movements used by Arnold & Son, the A&S1512 caliber was entirely developed, produced, decorated, assembled, adjusted, and cased up at the brand’s manufacture in La Chaux-de-Fonds. This caliber is powered by a double barrel with an oscillation frequency of 3 Hz, delivering a 90-hour power reserve.
Last but not least, thanks to the manufacture’s R&D efforts, the moon phase display of this movement is so precise that it will remain accurate for 122 years before deviating from the actual lunar cycle by one day. Therefore, the Perpetual Moon “Year of the Rabbit” timepiece works perfectly with the astronomic, astrological, and collection cycles. This sense of eternity is characteristic of all Arnold & Son creations.