Oskar Gydell Celebrates 10 Years of Jewelry Making
Pro skateboarder turned jewelry designer isn’t a typical career path, but it was a natural progression for Oskar Gydell.
Born in Sweden, he started learning how to ride a skateboard when he was 10. Progress was slow in the beginning, Gydell says. “But I’m very stubborn and don’t give up easily.”
He found success as a teenager, competing as an amateur before graduating to the pros later in his career. By the time he left the sport at the age of 22, Gydell had skated all over Europe and, during his final year, in the U.S. at the 2010 X-Games in Los Angeles.
“Skateboarding has been a huge part of my life and the reason why I got to see so many cool places around the world. In the early days, when I was traveling a lot, there were no iPhones to take pictures of where I’d been. So, I collected beads and different materials from the places I visited. Then I used it to make jewelry for myself. That’s how it started.”
People started asking about his bracelets right away. “I was just making them for fun. I wasn’t trying to start a business, but that’s eventually what happened.”
When Gydell started posting his jewelry on social media, he quickly found an enthusiastic international audience. “It was amazing. I was connecting with all kinds of people from so many different places. People on the other side of the world wanted to wear one my bracelets.”
Encouraged by the positive response, Gydell launched his online store in 2012. “I’d just entered university, and I thought selling bracelets would be a nice way to earn some extra cash. This year I’m celebrating my 10th anniversary. Time flies.”
A decade later, Gydell looks back on his journey so far. “I’m blown away that I’m still doing this. The business is a success today, but it’s taken 10 years to get here. I’ve had to learn to be patient, but like I said, I don’t give up easily.”
Gydell may not have changed, but the style of his jewelry has evolved. His current collection embodies low-key luxury, mixing precious metals, gemstones, and beads to create bracelets that can be dressed up or down.
“My favorites right now are the diamond-brick bracelets. I love the contrast of presenting diamonds on an ordinary cord bracelet. I enjoy working with gold and diamonds, but I believe less is usually more. One diamond can sometimes bring the perfect balance to a small gold piece.”
A decade into his second career, Gydell sometimes misses skateboarding, but says his life isn’t that different as a jewelry designer. “To me they’re both about embracing endless possibilities and expressing something unique. They both also give you a chance to connect with people from all over the world who share your passion. It’s truly amazing. There is nothing like it.”